American Slave Owners: Atrocity and Denial
Volney P. Gay, Ph.D., a founding member of the NC3P, has an article on Psychoanalysis.Today that we commend to your attention. It begins:
Psychoanalysts seek to grasp their patients’ inner experiences, primarily through language – the dream narration, free association, the give and take of analytic dialogs. Our subject matter – streams of hopes, desires, and dread – are tides originating in the unconscious, non-verbal parts of the mind. On occasion, our analytic words – well-timed interpretations – focus the patient’s attention on those tides and offer relief. On other occasions, interpretations elicit a volley of sarcasm, witticisms, and arguments that obscure their tidal origins. Below I discuss two instances of this phenomenon. One is a clinical vignette; the other comes from US jurisprudence about the treatment of enslaved persons.
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